Asia's leading independent regional equity house, providing investment services to institutional and private clients globally for over 100 years.
An Approved Financial Adviser (FA) & Islamic
Financial Adviser (IFA) of Bank Negara Malaysia
Headquartered in Singapore and strategically positioned in 7 key Asian markets, UOBKH is listed on the Singapore Exchange (Ticker: UOBK).
A Capital Market Service (CMS) Licensed Entity of
Securities Commission Malaysia (SC)
Strong global sales and distribution teams in 10 markets in Asia, the UK and North America with 1,600 professionals.
A registered Corporate Unit Trust Advisor (CUTA)
and Corporate Private Retirement Scheme Advisor
(CPRA) of Federation of Investment Managers
Malaysia (FIMM)
Exchange participant in 7 regional markets: Singapore, Hong Kong, China (Shanghai B shares and Shenzhen B shares), Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
Head Quarter in Petaling Jaya & 4 Branches
(Penang, Ipoh,
Melaka, Johor Bahru) and
13 Practice Offices across Malaysia.
Independently managed and about 40%-owned by the United Overseas
Bank Group (UOB) (Rated by Moody's Aa1 / S&P AA-).
UOB is one
of the leading financial institutions in Asia and is listed on the
Singapore Exchange (Ticker: UOB), with a market cap of around S$47
billion as of 28 Feb 2018.
A wholly owned subsidiary of UOB Kay Hian Securities Malaysia.
*These products & services are referred within UOB Kay Hian Group
**Equities, Options & Futures: Please refer to theList of Exchange Traded Products
Effective and customised financing solutions to boost your
investment capacity and
manage your cash flow according to your needs and situation
* Service referred within UOB Kay Hian Group
Let us contact you for all your enquiries, just drop us a message below.
N-1-3,Plaza Damas, 60 Jalan Sri Hartamas 1, Sri Hartamas, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +603-6205 6000
UOBKHS: UOB Kay Hian Securities (M) Sdn Bhd
UOBKHWA: UOB Kay Hian Wealth Advisors Sdn Bhd
Complaint and Dispute Handling
For any complaint or discrepancies requiring resolution, you may direct your correspondence to the following email address:
Your complaint and/or dispute will be acknowledged and investigated promptly, with an initial response provided within the next business day. A resolution shall be communicated to you not later than 14 business days from the email acknowledgement date.
In the event you are not satisfied with our final response to you, you may direct your complaint to FMOS (as below) within 6 months from the date of our final response letter; or after 60 days from the date your dispute was first acknowledge and there was no response from our end.
Financial Markets Ombudsman Service (FMOS) (200401025885):
FINANCIAL MARKETS OMBUDSMAN SERVICE (FMOS), is a merger between the Ombudsman for Financial Services (OFS) and the Securities Industry Dispute Resolution Center (SIDREC). For more information on FMOS, you can refer to the website at
Level 25, Menara Takaful Malaysia,
No. 4, Jalan Sultan Sulaiman,
50000 Kuala Lumpur
+603-2272 2811 (9AM – 5PM Monday to Friday)